Keshav Kannan

Software Engineer / Full-Stack Developer

I build exceptional and accessible digital experiences for the web.


My journey began during the lockdown of 2020. What started as a curiosity turned into a passion, leading me to the exciting world of web development. Fast forward to today, and I find myself crafting innovative and sleek Web applications.

I have professional experience using React with Next.js and Vue with Nuxt.js to create responsive designs and animations for front-end and use Express with PostgreSQL and MongoDB for back-end development.

Recently i have been learning the ropes of Svelte, Go, and micro-transitions ( CSS , Motion , GSAP ), it's like a whole new playground for building interactive experience.

When I'm not typing away, you'll catch me leveling up in PC games, working out, catching up on anime, doing culinary experiments, chilling with friend or petting strays.


2021 - PRESENT
Software Engineer - VGTS

Jr. Software Engineer

Developed high-quality, robust web application for a diverse array of projects for clients with consumer and enterprise focused Web-Apps including analytical viewer, CRM, marketplace, dashboards, static sites, survey pages etc

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A task management app with kanban view build with React, with all the basic features like drag and drop, creating new task, subtask and boards


A Portfolio site built on NextJs to show case the thing I am working on.


A sandbox environment, where i try experimenting new things that catch my eye or implement some thing that i recently learned

Apple Store(demo)

A demo apple store e-commerce application built using NextJs, Sanity CMS and stripe
